Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wed night through Thurs Morning

So yesterday I had absolutely no problems! I even had my bro and sis and my bro's family out. Also, Justin showed up. I think they were all amazed at how well I was doing. I was. I didn't think I could have such a good day after having 2 really bad ones. . Last night I was good. I had my eighth dose of IL-II at midnight. I started having insomnia, so they gave me some sleeping pills. At about 4 in the morning, I woke up with nausea, fever, and chills and couldn't sleep. They gave me all kinds of meds again. They said it was the IL-II affecting me. It usually gets to me about 4 hours in. This morning I am feeling pretty good. My lips are bleeding from being so swollen and the sores in my mouth remind me of radiation. Ouch! Also, I have put on 11 pounds of water weight. Yuck! It will come off fairly quickly once I am off this stuff. They'll send me home with a pill to help get rid of it.
Last night Justin showed up with a signed U football from Coach Wittingham that says "Michelle, Wishing you all the best and the Uted are pulling for you. Kyle Wittingham." How awesome is that. He also signed a bunch of posters and gave us 5 hats. How awesome. Heather at Justin's work set it all up, so Thanks Heather!
I am hoping to have a better day again today. I hac my 9th dose of IL-II this morning. Only 2 people in ten years have made it to 14. Most don't make it past ten. The 61 year old guy next to me doing the same treatment who started the same time as me has already had to skip a dose or two. They say it has a lot to do with my age that I am tolerating it so well. I'll write a little later depending on how I am feeling. Thanks


pacemaker said...

You are a remarkable woman! I know the Lord is hearing our prayers and I hope you can feel them. You can do it!!!

Collard Girls said...

Can you get me one of the pills they're going to give you to lose weight? lol

abancroft said...

You go girl!!! Keep up the good work!! I will come see you around 2:00pm again today. Love, Adelf

Shelisa Hill said...

Me and Dave are so happy to hear that you are doing so well keep up the good attitude you are almost done. I hope you will feel good enough to come to bunco next week.

G-Lo said...

I am SO glad to hear you are feeling good today! You are totally awesome! I talked to Karalee yesterday, I am glad she was able to come see you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep us posted! Love you! - Glow
