Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Yesterday started out ok, but I was so tired from not sleeping much. Luckily Adele (my mom in law) came over and helped. As the afternoon came, I got more and more nauseous and couldn't eat or drink. We decided I was extremely dehydrated and needed IV fluids. I've dropped 15 pounds of the water weight I gained in the hospital, too, which I think made the dehydration and nausea worse. So, by about 9 last night we had a homehealth nurse come out and show us how to hook up an IV to a central line. It didn't seem too difficult. I got IV fluids and as soon as Justin gave me Phenergine for nausea, I was out in seconds. I slept till about six thirty this morning and woke with a fever of 99. Took some ibuprofen and went back to sleep till eight thirty. So, today I am feeling pretty good, so far. Yesterday started good too, so I am hoping it keeps up this time.


Becky said...

Oh! I'm so sorry. It sounds miserable! i hope you get feeling better Mich!

JeanLawrence said...

I so hope you feel better soon so you can play with your kids!

pacemaker said...

I hope each day just gets that much better. Probably as soon as your body gets rid of all the excess meds and water you'll start feeling better! Sure hope that happens soon, hang in there, you're awesome, Michelle.
