Thursday, October 23, 2008

Might be going home, might not.

Last night I got my fourth dose. My heart started having some weird palpitations, beating really fast and really irregularly.It felt like my heart was going to come out of my chest. This morning they told me I won't be having any more IL-II doses today. To me that was kind of a relief. I have had a pretty good day. Although for my visitors this morning I felt bad for my visitors because I had Phenergrine for nausea that knocked me out cold. After that wore off, I had a good day. I felt pretty with it. Yesterday I had some blood drawn and it showed I have a Staff Infection in my central line. I will come home with my line still in to take antibiotics for it. To me it sounds better to take it out and then clear it up. Oh well they know what they are doing.
This week has been a harder week until today. My doctor told me that every dose gets stronger and stronger. No wonder I've been sicker this week. I've barely even wanted to look at a computer.
The kids have been sick throwing up this week which makes it worse for me. I just want to be home with them. Brooklyn broke down at school while they were reading. She missed her mom. This made me cry when I heard about it. Wyatt has called alot because he misses me.
We are so grateful for the outpouring of support in our behalf. It has been overwhelming for Justin and Devon to try and figure out times and when you can help. I think once I am home I will be able to accept meals and cleaning.
Thanks to everyone for everything you have done! Love to all.


Los Smith said...

Hi Michelle,
I am Adele's visiting teacher and she was kind to let me have your blog address to say hi and wish you all the blessing our father in heaven has for you and your family in this times. We want you to know you and your family will be in our prayers.

Justin and kids said...

That is so sweet! Thank you!

jeanlawrence said...

Hi Michelle,

I wish there was a way for us to share in your pain and discomfort so you can get some relief. You are such a positive person and a great example for me. You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. And thank you for the kind words regarding Vicky and Neil. They woke him up and he had a sense of humor.

Grandma Ethel said...

Dear Michelle: I finally figured how to do this blog with Jean's help. We read your blog every day and I want to tell you again how much we love you and your family and how you have our prayers. You are our pride and joy.

mary grace said...


Hang in there, girl. You're doing great! Being positive and upbeat is half the battle. You are amazing! I know of the insecurities the kids are going through. I wish I knew the best way to help. I thought Jessica wouldn't understand; she was 5 when Jerry was really sick. Maybe we should have talked with her more about what her dad was going through. I remember feeling I didn't want to burden my children, but maybe I should have talked to her more so she wouldn't have been so scared. Brooklyn is scared, too. Give her hugs and some from me, too. Love you, Michellf.
