Thursday, October 9, 2008

ok, here's a little later Thursday

So, My aunt Jeanne and I are counting how many bags I am getting meds dripped through. There are eight bags, with six dripping. I have six little pumps and 2 big ones that are dripping through the lines. I have IL-II dripping, dextrose dripping, sodium chloride, norepinephrine, potassium phosphate, dopamine, magnesium sulphate, and potassium phosphate sodium chloride in one bag.
My pulse looks good, my blood pressure is good because my meds are keeping it above 90/50. I've seen it drop to 83/48. That's when a nurse runs in and sets the drip to a higher speed.
My mouth is full of canker feeling sores and to be able to eat anything or swallow any pills I have to gargle lidocaine. Gross!
I felt so good last night I got a shower! Today I have too many lines and am too tired to get a shower. I am more awake than I was Tuesday, but still tired. I just had my tenth dose of IL-II. Which is where most people make it to. Only two patients in ten years have made it to the 14th dose. It's looking like I will. It just means my body tolerates it better than others.
My mom is bringing my kids in any minute now. Wyatt called me earlier and told me he misses me and loves me. Of course that made me cry. I'm done tomorrow at midnight tomorrow night and will be coming home Saturday or Sunday as long as my blood pressure is under control


kstrack said...

You are amazing! love you!

pacemaker said...

Yay! You're almost there!

Mama said...

I'm soooo glad to have been following you and seeing that you're doing so well. Heavenly Father hears prayers! One more dose left, then it's home sweet home! Call me when you get settled and I can run kids for you, or take them or bring you dinner, or all of the above!
