Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Third day

I'll talk a little about Monday night and yesterday. From what I can remember. On Monday after I posted my new post, I could not stay off the toilet . My stomach was cramping horrendously.
On Tuesday, I was nauseous most of the day. I ended up throwing up a couple times. I finally ate a little, but my kids were here and ate the rest. I was ok because I was still sick.
I've been able to have some visitors which has been nice to help pass the time.
So, today has gone pretty well. I don't remember much about last night. I think I zonked at six and didn't hear or see anything till ten. Justin was supposed to come in, but my parents told him how out of it I was last night. I guess I got a few phone calls and didn't hear them.
So, I can tell that my mind isn't working as well. I have put on 5 pounds of swelling, mostly in my legs, hands and face. Not horribly noticelable. Overall I feel pretty good today, just tired. I am a little surprised how good I am feeling!


Jessica said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. It's Wednesday, you're almost through the week! We love you!

Anonymous said...

Michelle- I am glad that you are feeling good! Sounds like a roller coaster, but you are used to those! Are your parents staying with you? Let us know when and if you are up to visitors...your kids were great!!! We are praying for you!

Justin and kids said...

Cass and Jess, thanks, and yes I have been somewhat up to visitors. Yesterday was bad. I totally crashed when my parents and kids were up here.
Today was much better. I made them hold off on my drugs tonight so I could at least visit with my bro and sis and justin. Call justin tomorrow and see how I am feeling if you want to come up

Lori said...

hang in there Michelle..we are thinking about you and love you. I am so glad you are up to blogging ..for now at least!
