Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Great Day

I love posting that I had a great day! It's been so nice to have the kids all to myself today. They have gotten lots of extra hugs and kisses today! I did squeeze in a little nap this afternoon while Colton was sleeping and I put Wyatt next to me watching cartoons. I feel pretty good though. Nice to feel that way and nice to say it.
My blood test on Monday came back and they kept me on the same antibiotic, which means it is working. That's probably why I am feeling better too.
Tonight we went and got a few Halloween decorations and pumpkins so we can carve them hopefully Friday afternoon. Justin should be home early afternoon, so we should hopefully have time. It will be a busy day. I will be going to Brooklyn's school for the parade and then helping in her classroom for their party in the afternoon. I was put in charge of the treat (I offered to help). I am excited. We got a bunch of the cookie decorations tonight too. Then Justin's work is doing a trick or treat and then of course trick or treating at home. Justin will be on the porch scaring all the kids wearing a Michael Myers costume (sorry in advance if you live in our neighborhood!)
He even bought black lights for the porch! Don't worry, he takes off the mask for the little kids so they aren't scared.
It will be a good week, I can already feel it!


Brooke said...

Good for you Michelle. Happy Halloween.

abancroft said...

Love you so much! Am excited you are coming into my office on Thursday for lunch with Colton and Wyatt. Everyone here has been so concerned about you and are excited to see you and the little ones! I am also looking forward to going to Brooklyn's Halloween parade at her school. What fun!
Love you much, Adelf

pacemaker said...

So relieved to hear you're feeling better and more yourself. Was worried when you weren't posting, but if that means you're feeling good then I won't worry! Keep getting better, we love you.

WX Ences said...

Ya Ya Ya!!!! This is excellent! I'm so glad you are doing better, and feeling better, etc... That is good news for all of you!

I'm also very sorry I didn't get to see you while you were up here. Life is always throwing curve balls! Anyhow, I do have a phone again and I'll be using it to call and schedule a get together for all of us! We really want you guys to come up and see the new place...it's a work in progress, but we're loving it!

Enjoy the holiday and have a great weekend!

Summer said...

Hi Michelle.. I just got the link to your blog and haven't had time to catch up on the details, but I know a little from Mandy about what you have been facing recently. I am so happy to hear that you are home and starting to feel better.
