Friday, October 31, 2008


This picture turned out kinda freaky. We kept playing with the flash to try and get it just right. He had fun scaring all the teenagers and parents out there. We had a family look at our porch and walked right on by (they had small kids). I ran and gave them some candy cuz I felt bad. Justin had a lady who saw him and ran home and get her kids to show them. He created a lot ofbuzz. He had a lot of fun and lives for Halloween!
Devon, Justin's cousin who is living with us, and the kids.
Brooklyn, the beautiful tulip fairy! She looked so pretty! She loved having makeup on too.

Justin did his pumpkin same as last year, but was a big hit. It's the one throwing up. Last year when we took a picture like this two days before Halloween, I went into labor with Colton a couple hours later!

You can't really see my costume, I was a renaissance lady. First time I've dressed up in years. I had a lot of fun.

I helped in Brooklyn's classromm for their Halloween party. I was in charge of the treat. I had them frost cookies and put candy and sprinkles on. They sure know how to make a mess! They all had so much fun and were so hyper!

Justin took pride in decorating our front porch. He even put in black lights and had scary Halloween music and sounds playing all night

There she is! She was so excited to see us! She was the last class of the entire school parade

We were waiting at Brooklyn's school for her to come in the cafeteria in the Halloween parade. Colton was having fun with Grandma.

I took the boys into Grandma Adele's work for lunch and trick or treating on Thursday. Wyatt hauled in on the treats for sure!


Sarah said...

I didn't get to see your house up close, but Gabe said it was AWESOME! Your costume looks cool, and Brooklyn does make an adorable tulip fairy.
See ya soon....

P.S. Happy Birthday Colton!

WX Ences said...

Fun! Looks like Halloween was a pretty good time for you guys!

Funny you mentioned there not being any pictures of Dan and Kim, you're not the only one!

I didn't post any pictures of them because I only got two and they both sucked...the pictures that is, not the people! I just didn't have any good pictures and I didn't want to post a picture of them that sucked. Most of my pictures were blurry or a bad angle, I think it was on a different mode, you never know with kids!

Anyhow, I'll get some from Lois and post them if she has any that were better!

Glad you're doing better!

Melanie said...

Justin sure brought back flash backs of my teenage years watching scary movies with girls friends then walking home and scaring ourselves even more. I love seeing your cute pictures. I can't believe you had energy to do the class party and go take the kids around. You are so amazing.

Eric said...

What a fun Halloween. Your kids look so cute. Justin looks freaky. So glad we didn't come trick or treating at your house:)j/k. Eric thought it was hilarious.
