Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This week is rough

I kinda thought it would be easier this week since I already knew what to expect. So far it has been hard. On Monday I got my first dose at about 5:30 and by six thirty I was having fever, chills and bodyaches. I stayed up the majority of the night like that. I slept a bit of Tuesday, but for most of Tuesday I was naseaus and sick to my stomach. I finally slept most of the night last night. My parents came in to visit last nigh and my aunt Jeanne anf Justin came to see me too.
Yesterday was kind of a blur. I don't remember much.
This morning they got me up at 5 to give me meds and to weigh me, I'm up six pounds already. I didn't get a dose last night, but got one at ten this morning (my third dose). I am feeling ok so far today. I got a shower this morning, and now I am missing my family so much. I keep crying a lot. My kids will be coming in this afternoon. I can't wait


Henich Family said...


I just wanted to write and tell you that Tor and I pray for you and your sweet family. We love you guys...Please let us know if you need anything!!!!


Sarah said...

Hey Michelle--

I'm thinking about you constantly this week. I don't know why you have to go through such a difficult trial, but you are such an amazing source of inspiration to me. That doesn't make anything better, but please know that your courage, determination, and positive attitude have been so incredible for me to observe. You have touched so many lives, and made a significant difference in mine in just the short time that I've known you. Sorry I'll be out of town when you get home next week, but I'll bring you dinner when I get back. Be strong, and keep smiling that beautiful smile!

Love, Sarah

mary grace said...

Oh Michelle, I know it's rough. When you hold your babies you'll feel so much better. I wish I could take away your pain. Love you so much.

Doris said...

Michelle - You go girl! You can do it!

Enjoy those sweet babes and that dear hubby.

We continue to hold you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Love, Doris & Les

WX Ences said...

Ugh...I am so sorry to hear things aren't going as well this week. You'll make it though, you are so stinking tough!! You go girl!

I wanted to write and let you know I've been wanting to call, but unfortunately I have NO PHONE!

When I dropped Joe off at the airport on Monday, he had my phone in his only phone. So, my phone is spending the week down in Arizona without me. We don't have a house phone here yet, so I am phone-less!

Joe should get back Friday afternoon, so if you're still around on Friday or Saturday morning, let me know and I'll come up and say Hi! I'd really like to see you, but I know you'll jump at the chance to get back home, so just let me know when they're going to let you leave and I'll try and make it up there before hand.

We love you tons and pray for you often!!!

