Monday, January 19, 2009

Poor Justin

Justin has had a major headache for the last twelve days. It all started with fluid in his ear. He went to the doctor for that and they just watched it. Within four to five days, it wasn't getting better and his head started hurting, so his doctor called in an antibiotic. Within a couple days, he just wasn't getting better, so he went in to the doctor again. It was a different doctor in the same clinic and he just gave Justin some migraine meds. By this weekend, he wasnt' doing a whole lot better. He was doing a bit better during the day, and then the horrendous headache at night. These headaches are probably enough to floor anybody. He's never had a migraine before, but now for about 10 days straight.
So, this morning, enough was enought and he started to have a stiff neck. I took him to the Emergency Room and they did some tests. They took blood, did a CT scan, and a spinal tap. His CT came back clear and the spinal tap came back viral. It looks like he has viral menangitis. They still want to do an MRI, but the machine is down, and the doctor wants to run another test to rule out encephilitis, which is a worse virus with fluid on the spine and messes with your mind. Viral menangitis is not the scary one, but they are watching him closely. They admitted him into the hospital for 24 to 48 hours.
Yes, that means Justin and I will both be in the hospital. I am being admitted tomorrow afternoon. When it rains on the Bancrofts, it pours! What's up with that? Do we not have enough going on with just me, we have to involve Justin into the medical world now too? Can I say it was really weird being on this side of things today? We were at the hospital since 11 this morning trying to figure out what's going on with him. If I've learned nothing else it's to be proactive with mine and Justin's health (and anyone I know). We walked in basically demanding tests to be done on him. I'm just glad they took us seriously, cuz we were right! I hated seeing him like that. They gave him Versaid, a conscious sedation, for the spinal tap so he didn't have to feel it. They say it's a lot like an epidural. They draw fluid out of the spine to test it.
Hopefully I'll know more in the morning about Justin and what's going on with him. We still aren't sure if he's contagious or not, so probably no visiting for him.
Anyways, I guess double the prayers for our family this week. Hopefully we can figure out Justin and get him better. My treatments aren't a prison sentence, meaning I can come home at any time this week if I need to be here for Justin. Trust me when I say it was not an easy decision to go back into the hospital for treatment (not that I really had a choice), but I might have an infection in my line, and everyone is pushing for me to go back in. I talked to my nurse practitioner today and she's never had anyone not come back in for the 2nd week back in the hospital. She had the thought that if I wasn't cured, would I always wonder about not having gone back in when I was supposed to, would I have been? Who will ever know. Let's just hope this continues to work.
We've got plenty of help and we will be ok this week. Just remember us when you say your family prayers for us. Thanks for all the support and love from our family and friends!


Melissa Calder said...

Oh Michelle, what a horrible week.
We are sending you our love and prayers your way. Good luck with your treatment for the next few days.

Amanda said...

Seriously!?!? What rotten luck. You guys have been through more than anybody I know. I hope that everything with Justin comes back ok and that he will be on the mend soon. I'm glad you have the help that you need right now because I'm too far away to be any help. We pray for you family all the time and will add a little something extra for Justin, of course we always remember you. Your family is truly one of the best I know. You have inspired me in more ways that you could ever know. I feel extremely blessed to number you among my family and even more so to call you friend. Keep up your strength and know that we are all pulling for you!
Good Luck!

Collard Girls said...

I guess you'll never post that you're having a boring week again!! I'm glad that Justin is in the hospital. Meningitis is nothing to play with. I know there's a vaccine for it. Check with the doctor and see if he wants you all to have it. You are all in our prayers. Jennifer

kstrack said...

We love you guys! I am sure you have poeple lined up to watch your kids, but if Justin gets home and needs a meal or something let me know!

Kristi said...

That is just not fair! You shouldn't have to deal with all of that right now. I'm so sorry!! You have our prayers coming yours and Justin's way. Hang in there!! Good luck with your week. Thanks for keeping this blog...I love knowing how you are doing and what's going on. Love ya!

Melanie said...

Wow. My brother in law was in the hospital that same weekend with meningitis. How crazy is that. I hope you guys get over it soon. Good luck!
