Monday, December 22, 2008

Lots of Crazy Days

This week has been pretty nuts and very full days. On Monday (last week) I went into my doc up at Huntsman to see about getting a stitch in my eyelid taken out. It's on the inside holding the weight in my eyelid in place. The weight helps me close my eye because the nerve is not there anymore. So, I got there and my doc decided we'd have to remove it surgically and not in office as I had hoped. He told me he could get me in on Friday. So, on Friday(the 19th) we got up to Huntsman at 6:30 a.m. with my surgery at 9:15. Around 9:30 we started asking what was taking so long. They told us there was a scheduling problem. Some new lady had scheduled a 5 hour surgery for only 1 1/2 hours. So, we had to wait about 4 more hours. Dr. Bentz came in and vented his own frustrations with the situation, but was nice about it too. We told him it wasn't his fault. Justin of course was getting frustrated waiting too. They finally came and got me around 1:15 and I was under for 45 minutes. Justin told me that Dr. Bentz didn't find a stitch as we thought, but the weight was sitting crooked, so he made a new pocket for it and put it back in. I woke up in more pain than I had anticipated. They also gave me Phenergen for nausea which knocks me out for a good hour every time. They did it twice. We finally left around 5 and it was snowing hard. We would normally have a one hour commute, but it took 2 hours! I was sleeping most of the way home, but was afraid I was going to throw up in the car, yuck. Luckily I didn't. I came home and went straight to bed and slept till Saturday morning.
For Christmas, Justin's mom got us tickets to Body World. We went Saturday morning. It was amazing seeing our bodies like that! I'm still thinking about it today. It made me realize how fragile our bodies really are and how all the things we put into our bodies really affects them. The smokers lungs for example were crazy. Most of the models had smokers lungs if you looked carefully too. I still am a little disturbed by the whole experience, but it was a good one. I got to see what they took out of my cheek and all the muscles and tendons and parotid gland that they took out. That part was crazy!
Saturday night I threw a party for Justin's 30th birthday with a few neighbors and a few friends. We had a big turkey dinner. If it wasn't for Devon, I would have had to cancel. She saved me! I came home from Body World and crashed, I slept most of the way home too. I still had anesthesia in my system.
Sunday we had Justin's family out for dinner to celebrate Justin's and his brother Brad's birthdays. We had a blast and Justin actually lost at Trivial Pursuit! He's such a gamer for trivia games. I for one am very bad at them! I'd rather play cards any day!
As we are getting ready for Christmas around here, and all the snow falling this morning, we are reminded of our Savior's birth. I am trying to teach my children about the giving of gifts and not the receiving. I think it was Friday night we got doorbell ditched and someone left us some money in an envelope and it said it was from the Lord. Wow, someone really will be blessed for thinking of us this Holiday season! The bishopric and Relief Society Presidency and a couple people I didn't recognize came caroling to our house last night. It brought me to tears, that they would go out in the freezing cold to sing about Christmas to us! The spirit was really strong and gave me goosebumps! What a sweet ward we live in with members who put others above themselves!

1 comment:

Penny said...

Michelle, you have a wonderful family. I have often been able to watch your children playing outside, from my window. I really enjoy watching them play, especially when I'm missing my grandchildren! I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and that you are feeling well!
